“Look up Marlon, say cheese!”
If you know the “The Wayans Bros.”,
But if you don’t, that’s okay too.
If your name isn’t Marlon,
Replace his with yours.
Look up [insert name], say cheese.
Better yet,
Look up [insert name], smile.
Despite your situation
Despite your circumstance
Remember to look up and smile.
For God has a plan
Specifically for you
A plan for you to grow and not be harmed,
But pruned.
Pruning. A process of cutting away or removing
What’s dead or overgrown.
Dead. The things that never have or no longer add value to your life.
Those things, such as mindsets, that
Or people who stunt your growth
With God or in other areas of life.
They block you from reaching your full potential.
Overgrown? You may wonder how that’s a problem.
Overgrown. Being too full of yourself.
Too full to see God,
Blocking your ability to see His plan
And see His hand.
Overgrown. Exalting other things above Him.
Allowing different parts of your life to consume the space
that He needs to occupy.
This pruning process is actually God looking out.
“Good looking out, God!”
To stop us from killing ourselves.
To prevent our unconscious spiritual suicide.
It helps increase fruitfulness, works, and productivity.
However you may see it,
Pruning is necessary.
It may feel like pain
But in the end it will work out for your good
And cause you to gain
In every area of your life.
So when life seems tough,
And seems to weigh you down
Shift your focus to the sky from the ground.
Recognizing its God’s hand
Moving us closer to His plan.
So no matter what it looks or feels like,
Look up [insert name], say cheese!
Naw, scratch that.
Look up [insert name] and smile!