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Writer: KhiKhi

Surrender (n.): The action of yielding one’s person or giving up the possession of something, especially into the power of another.

Surrender (v.): To yield to the power, control, or possession of another.

To give (oneself) over to something (such as an influence).

In this faith walk, this walk as a Christian, completely surrendering to God is one of the most important things. Surrendering this life. Surrendering control. Surrendering our will, ways, plans, and desires. Surrendering even our past … hurts, traumas, regrets, etc. In Matthew 16:24-25, Jesus told the disciples that those who follow Him should deny themselves. He also explained that holding on to our lives will cause us to lose them while surrendering our lives for Him will cause us to find them. Surrendering is a sacrifice, killing what it is we naturally want and the things the flesh longs for in order to be used by God and pleasing to Him. Jesus sacrificed His life in surrender to the will of the Father, although the flesh did not desire it (Luke 22:24). He surrendered for us so that we may be saved, have everlasting life, and be reconciled with the Father. His sacrifice was for our gain. However, to access the blessings of Jesus’ sacrifice we must sacrifice our earthly lives just as Jesus did. Now that doesn’t mean a physical death but more so sacrificing the flesh and denying the desires of the flesh. Lay it down and surrender it.

“17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)

When I made the decision to let God have His way, follow Jesus for real, and live for Him 4-5 years ago I began my intentional journey of surrendering. If I’m honest, completely surrendering to God is one of the areas that’s still “a work in progress” for me. I have seen tremendous growth though. This blog post is proof. I never liked writing. I’m a math and science woman and was totally okay putting She Said A Word © down. God told me to pick it back up, so I did and am continuing to hold it. The time off was necessary for me because of the spiritual maturity and spiritual growth that took place. Over the past year, God showed me areas in my life that I had yet to surrender to Him and things of this world that I still held on to. Surrendering to Him is continuous and necessary in the Christian walk. As we continue to surrender, God will have the space and permission to reveal areas that have not been submitted to Him. To this day, He is still revealing things and areas that I haven’t surrendered.

It is crucial that I’m open to receiving His truth, correction, and revelation about ME as I continue on this walk following Him. It allows for growth and produces maturity.

Since childhood, I felt the need to be my own person and protector. I needed to be in control, aka doing what I wanted to do and having things my way. This allowed me to create my own identity. This also contributed to my need for independence and solitude. I now realize this was me acting as my own god, attempting to do what God is supposed to do. This is even true regarding She Said A Word © prior to now. I did it in my own might not the strength of God, which is why I got burned out. Remember, I previously mentioned my lack of love for writing. Lol. God says His strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9) and I struggled with surrendering my weak areas.

Some of the ways my lack of surrender and submission manifested in my life include:

  • Need for control. A major way this showed up was by building a wall for protection. Not only was it a way to keep “danger” away but it also kept God out. My control and autonomy were my ideas of protection.

  • Independence, not needing anyone for anything, and rejecting assistance. In my mind independence was synonymous with strength, while receiving help meant I was weak.

  • Self-reliant over God-reliant. Not only did I move in independence from people, but it also carried over into my relationship with God. I relied on myself and my abilities and strengths, which are limited rather than turning to an infinite, omniscient, and omnipotent God.

  • Trust issues or a lack of trust. It’s hard to admit it but I didn’t fully trust God. My faith was deficient; therefore, I fed the doubt in my mind. How could I surrender to someone who I didn’t completely trust? My lack of trust in God also carried over into my trust issues for people, especially those in church. Another hard truth associated with this area is there were people that I trusted more than God, including myself.

This journey has not been easy or comfortable, but it is worth it. I encourage you to begin or continue the journey. Push through the difficulty and discomfort. Many Christians/Believers/Followers of Christ have recited the Lord’s Prayer at least once, including Matthew 6:10. “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Do we realize what we are saying? Have we comprehended the words to that prayer and more specifically verse 10, as it relates to this topic? In order for God’s will to be done we, His people, must surrender to it! We have to be submitted to His power and authority. We must lay down, relinquish, and surrender our will so His will can take hold in our lives.

Surrender requires humility; there is no place for pride. Surrender requires relinquishing control and power. A power exchange must take place. Surrender requires obedience. Surrender requires submission. Surrender requires faith, even if it’s the size of a mustard seed. Surrender requires letting go of the identity the world gave you or you gave yourself. In order to serve God wholeheartedly, we must be surrendered and submitted to Him, His ways, His word, His will, and His timing. We must live the way He wants us to, by His standards and with His characteristics.

I will close with Proverbs 3:5-6. Surrendering is not easy nor comfortable but if we remember how good God is and His word, it makes it easier and helps us to endure. Let Him be the light to your path on this journey.

“5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Let me know if you can relate to my post in the comments. Also, share how your journey of completely surrendering to God is going.

Be on the lookout in March, April, and May for the rest of the posts in the Surrender series, which will be on healing, forgiveness, and identity. Also, check out the poem “Y.E.S.” that’s been uploaded to the blog.

Grace, Peace, & Love

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